
The Odelisk - 7

Dodge tipped his head at me, then strolled out of my sight. I struggled with the restraints for a while, knowing it was futile, but unwilling to accept defeat.

Just when I was ready to give it up, for the time being anyway, I heard a strange chatter.

Moments later members of the Swedish Olympic Squirrel Team leapt onto the bed and started gnawing on the bindings.


Bobby "the Blue" said...

You never cease to amaze with your adventures.

Anonymous said...

That's just a nice way of saying I'm deranged, isn't it?

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Ummmm.... ;)

Anonymous said...


Bobby "the Blue" said...

Hmm?!?! LOl ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

More squirrels please.

Anonymous said...

sf, I think you'll get your wish.