I'd just known he was going to say that. Fuck me, we'd been hot and heavy for a few months several years ago and for god damned reason I kept running into the guy in the strangest places. All the fucking time.
"I've told you before Dodge, it's a coincidence."
He tipped his head to the side and scanned me from foot to head. "Sure babe, I'm totally believing that."
Oh hell, I knew it was the truth, but there was no way I was going to convince him of that. Especially when I relieved him of the Odelisk.
I strolled around the end of the couch, pleased with the way his eyes widened at my approach, then came to a stop within touching distance. "Maybe I just can't stop thinking about you." Fuck, I hoped I sounded more sincere to him than I did to myself.
He laughed. A bark of laughter that turned into a full blown belly laugh. "Well I'll be damned," he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "It really is a coincidence."
With bait like that, how can he resist?
How was your weekend?
Hey Bax!!!
Nice of you to notice. :)
My weekend was v v busy.
How bout you? You're all better now?
Well enough to be back at work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I'm glad you post often to keep the day moving along.
Gonna be a bit thin on the postings for a while Bax. Something's going on in my real life that's eating up my time right now. But I will need breaks from that, so I'll be getting something up at least once a day.
Maybe more.
Work's work. We're happy when you have the chance to present us with something entertaining. Try not to work yourself sick!
Like you did?
Don't have to worry about that. Just have a ton of stuff to do now, and probably for the next couple of months.
Then it's all my own time again. :D
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