"BB, I have no idea what you're talking about. Now what do you think of my clones?"
That's it. Uncle Festus was fucking with a major operation of Big Dog's. If I didn't kill the annoying fuck, they certainly would. And they would take a whole lot longer to do it than I would.
I checked out the villa and saw that Dodge hadn't returned yet. Hell, I was mad enough that I actually wanted him to return while I was inside.
"Leave the clones and come with me." I didn't wait for his assent, I just grabbed him by the horn and drug him after me.

"Now that, uncle Festus, is the first thing you've said I'd agree with."
It's like a scene out of Sweeney Todd, except BB has a nicer ass.
Compliments will get you anything. :)
I'd forgotten about Dodge. Off having a wank was he?
Soory, nothing appropriate to comment, still can't stop laughing from all the other comments on all the other posts.
BB in you final Will and Won't Testament please don't blame me for DH coming over and Ivtanski and Rockmum following... You can thank THANK me, but dont BLAME me. Unless you think I need a flogging as either punishement or reward?
p.s of course I AM pissed(drunk).
Ah Dick, I see you're still focused on what's really important here.
On the other hand, Dodge could be on some secret mission.
Would you enjoy that E@L? I'd be happy to thank you in that fashion.
If you're willing to take turns. :)
Then I'll be sure to bring a bottle of Shiraz to keep you that way.
I reckon if Dodge plays his cards right he could get laid here.
You reckon?
That is not beyond the realm of possibility Dick.
Even you might find yourself in the same prediciment sometime. ;-)
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