Afterwards, the prince took a long, considering look at me. "You might as well come with me while I recharge." He rose and strode quickly from the room. I tagged along.

It started as a spark of flame at the tips of his fingers on his left hand. Then an intricate pattern was etched in fire along the length of his arm, across his shoulder, down his chest and the left half of his face.
He stayed perfectly still for several minutes, the fire burning steadily brighter. Then he looked right at me, his eyes filled with flame. "You might want to step back ..."

I came. Just like that, standing there watching him burn, but remain unharmed. It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. "Fuck me ..."
The side of his mouth curved upwards in a wicked grin. "Oh, I will."
In my best Shatner voice:
Must... resist... temptation... to... joke... about... a flamer...
What kind of powers did Satan bestow upon this guy? That's pretty wild!
Patience Bax, all will be revealed. And I do mean all...
(and he's definitely not a flamer)
I'm not sure how patient I can be. I check in about every 15 minutes in hopes for updates!
Demon woman, you've bewitched me!
I see my plan for world domination, one man at a time, is working!!!!!
Delayed gratification is a good thing Bax, believe me. :-)
Oh I believe you alright, especially when you put it that way.
Mmmm. I'm so glad you agree.
You're making Dodge jealous. Look out here he comes with a fire extinguisher.
Hey Dick, what did you do to Ist?
As for Dodge? I suspect he's up to his yarbles in mutants and doesn't have time to even think about me. ;-)
Yarbles? A reference from A Clockwork Orange? A fan of Anthony Burgess by any chance?
A fan of yours, Bax. I've read the book, but you brought the yarbles into the blog several months ago.
If I weren't so tremendously masculine, I might've blushed after your last comment. You're too kind.
We're gonna have sex now, aren't we?
Isn't that the way it usually goes in your stories?
Hmm, not just in my stories.
I like the way your mind works. ;)
Horrorshow! Things are really heating up here! I worry for the viability of that red wine! Was it a robust Aussie cab-sav or shiraz? Only they could take such punishment and cum out smiling!
And that picture of The Prince had ME thinking - "All your ass are belong to us..."
It was a Cab Sav. so not as much a loss if it didn't hold up, ya know?
Oooh, say that to me honey, and I'm all yours.
Course, after I'm done with Bax.
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