

Now available at
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Dead Again by Lisa Andel

It even comes with the following warning - Contains: multiple partners M/F, explicit language, oral & anal sex, shapeshifter sex.

How can you lose?


expat@large said...

If I wanted to have sex with a panther, I'd just get out my Jacques Tournier DVD collection (you think I don't have one?) and give Simone Simon a call.

Or Nastassja Kinky (oops Kinsky)

Or Batbitch! RRROOooaaar!

I've got a book already, but OK sign me up!

Anonymous said...

E@L, my panther will go well with your tiger, don't you think?

Bobby "the Blue" said...

It's some dandy reading. Perfect to put a smile on your face before going to sleep.

A real page turner!

Isn't it Oprah's Book of the week?

Anonymous said...

Oprah, right...

On the other hand, I know I enjoyed the book. :-)