
Going Out

I'm getting ready for a date guys, is this outfit okay???


Bobby "the Blue" said...

No, it's not okay.



Anonymous said...

I am so going to lick you all over for that, Bax.

Dick Headley said...

OK. But please be careful with the heels....naugahyde's not cheap these days.

Anonymous said...

Sure Dick, but I figured you for a leather man. ;-)

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Gawd it's boring in the office today.
It sux working on Sundays, but sux worse on holidays.

Where are ya? Wanna do some shots?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bax, just got in. Shots sound great. What are we drinking?

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Is whiskey cool with you?

Anonymous said...

Whiskey is goooood.

Creepy said...

Something tells me everything looks good on you.

Anonymous said...

Babe, everything looks good off of me too. ;-)

expat@large said...

I wore something similar for a job interview once. Except it was under a suit.

Anonymous said...

I'd pay hard cash to see you wearing that, without the suit...

ozymandiaz said...

Is this a trick question?
Is there a way NOT to like this?

Anonymous said...

No Ozy, you'd be surprised by the number of men that would hesitate to take me out in public dressed like this.

Istvanski said...

Gimme back my guitar, you thieving wouldn't know what to do with it anyway!

Anonymous said...

Come and get it from me, Ist.