Then I heard the sound of another whip crack the air. Twice. I howled when two simaltaneous strikes lanced across my shoulders and upper back. I started spiraling into unconsciousness then, when one of the men called a halt.
With my hearbeat pounding in my head, my extremities numb, but the rest of my body blazing in agony, they unchained me, turned me upright, and placed my feet on the floor.
Drawing on the reserves that only certain specialized dolls are gifted with, I spun on the newest tormentor, and before he could lift his whips in defense, I shoved him over the edge of the pit.

I grabbed the side of the hanging device, swung my leg back, then with all the force I could muster, I threw my leg forwards, and planted it with satisfying power, right into his balls.
One day, I'll learn that I shouldn't just drop in for a quick read. When I'm done, I'm always hard enough to cut glass.
Who was the guy on the right? It kind of looked like Dr. Phil. If so, thanks for kicking him in the pit.
Speaking of owing you one, I don't think I ever thanked you for the link to my blog. If there's anything I can do to express my appreciation, be sure to let me know. ;-)
Hey he. Hard enough to cut glass? Now that's the way I like my men. ;-)
Dr. Phil, good one, that's him then. Handily de-yarbled.
Hmmm. You could always follow through with your last post. *EFG*
You'd be doing me the favor, luv. When I titled the post His favorite thing, I wasn't kidding.
OK, my panties are drenched, and parts of my body are simply begging me to let them have their way with you.
You are simply too hot to resist, you know.
Are all plastic dolls this charming? I doubt it.
I should warn you, though: we'll need plenty of fluids, fruits and the like close at hand. I'd hate for you to become dehydrated before I'm done with you. ;-)
There's that word again. Seems to crop up an awful lot in our conversations. I like it.
And honey, there isn't another barbie doll like me anywhere. That you can bank on. ;-)
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