I mean... really.

"It's made of bone," he slanted a look at me like I was stoopid. "Not all that heavy."
I reached out and tried to shove the thing. It didn't budge. "Uh huh."
"Come on. You take the head, and I'll get the other end." Indy hunkered down in front of the penis and wrapped his arms around the base.
I burst out laughing. Was still laughing as we started carting the mighty boner back down the mountain.
"You grab the head", is not supposed to be a laughing instruction?
Well no, not usually.
But in this case?
I'm laughing Indy. Wanna try and make me stop?
Only way to make a girl stop laughing is to put something in her mouth ;-)
What did you have in mind?
Just a little something I keep around for the job ~zipppppp~
Little? Not hardly!
Say Indy, I just dropped by Lakota's...
Can you guess what I'm thinking about doing to you right now???
Whatever it is I desire :-) ~LOL~
Laugh it up lego man.
*rope, check. bomb, check*
Now if you'll just sit right here, I'll get right to that total sensory involvement you appear to be looking for.
I didn't know Dr.j was into big penis!!
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