
The Story Begins...

Why did Agent Mulder take Lakota with him?

Damn it...I think I broke a nail.


L.P. said...

okay. that was funny.

Anonymous said...

Of course it was.

L.P. said...

it wasn't a given, bitch.

Anonymous said...

Hate to tell you bitch, but that outfit you're wearing is cracking me up.

L.P. said...

fuck off bitch.
you wouldn't know trendy fashion if it bit your ass. Wait and see - in 2 months, everyone will be wearing neo-romantic gear.

Anonymous said...

Puffy shirts?
I can see it now.

I think I'd rather go nude.
I do, most of the time anyway.

L.P. said...

and you wonder why you have so few friends. **cough, cough**

Anonymous said...

Admit it, you like me nude.

L.P. said...

yeah, yeah - okay. especially when you paint your nipples with that bright red glitter that matches your hair.
i just LURV that.

Anonymous said...

Cherry flavored too.

L.P. said...

no raspberry?

Anonymous said...

I've got strawberry, and black cherry.

Ooooh, here's some mango.

L.P. said...

mango makes me gag.

Anonymous said...

Fine, I know someone who appreciates mango...