
Dinner is Served

Just a little something I picked up to keep everyone's energy high.

There's so much more of the evening ahead of us.

I'm thinking "Cunt Shaver" for the sword, how about that? Does a great job on mine.


L.P. said...

i can see where you nicked your leg. please be more careful. shall i kiss it better?

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh, please do.
Lots of tongue.

L.P. said...

oh yes, you know it. Guess who showed up on his blog! Gypsy-twat himself. I invited him to come play with us. Think he will?

Anonymous said...

Now? Or later?

L.P. said...

at all.

Anonymous said...

Um, Not that I've seen any interaction between the two of you, but the only one I think will draw him out to play is the Goddess.

L.P. said...

a man who can resist me? inconceivable.

Jill said...

I actually just saw that there was a beast killed!! I just thought it was a rock or tissu at first!

Anonymous said...

Kind of hard to eat a rock.

L.P. said...

but ever so nice when what you eat is hard as a rock.

Anonymous said...

Now you've gone and made me horny.
Oh wait...I'm always horny.

I just need to find me a cock.

L.P. said...

I'll start grabbing and tossing them your way.

Anonymous said...

Try to find ones with bodies still attached.

L.P. said...

damn. you're so fucking picky.

Jill said...

Poor guys!!! Getting dismember by you, girls!

Anonymous said...

Why Jill? I've never heard them complain.

Jill said...

Maybe because of the drug you have put in their drinks??

Anonymous said...

Well hell, why didn't I think of that Jill!

Usually I just start with decapitation. If I used drugs though...

Jill said...

I'm really starting to think that I'm the brain in all of this!!

Anonymous said...

I'm positive of it.

Now where did I put the poison darts...

Jill said...

Batbitch!! I don't want any of these near my skin!!

Lisa Andel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Who just left a comment then deleted it?

Jill said...

What were you about to say?

Jill said...

I thpugh it was you, go look in your mailbox!

Anonymous said...

Huh. I was going to ask you to help me dispose of some bodies later, but I'm getting an odd feeling about all this.

Jill said...

Don't you have "people that adore you"?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah.

But for some strange reason, I also have people that are out to kill me.

Go figure.

Jill said...

If it is selfdefense, i don't think you'll have to dispose the bodies!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I never keep bodies more than a day or two if I'm not going to eat them. They just clutter up the place.

Jill said...

There is one thing i had on my mind: you are just not as cute as Hannibal Lecter!!

Anonymous said...

No, I'm much sexier.

Thanks for noticing. Will you kiss me now?

Jill said...

i have to clear thing up, once again!! Hannibal is eatable when young(in his twenties) and very charismatic when older!

L.P. said...

i think i'll just go nibble on Wombat.

Anonymous said...

Eh. You can have him. He sounds like a bore to me.

Anyone interesting over at your place?

Jill said...

Are you crying because I said no?

Anonymous said...

Honey, I don't cry.
Well, maybe over a really good explosion, but outside of that, no.

I'm always interested in new people to fuck.

So who you got I migth like?

Jill said...

I don't know much people you don't know...And some I am keeping them secret!

Anonymous said...

I'll just have to get Lakota over here. I'll bet she can get you to tell.

Unless the secret people are boring.

Jill said...

Maybe just not your type!

Anonymous said...

Might be a good idea not to tell me then. If I didn't like them, I'd just have to kill them.

Jill said...

And if you do that, I might never come here again!

Anonymous said...


Jill said...

You can play with them, but no killing my playtoy...

Anonymous said...

Jill, you surprise me. You have a playtoy!

Do tell.

L.P. said...

i'm going to vomit.

Jill said...

What you didn't see, you won't know!

Jill said...

Barf bag, Lakota?

L.P. said...

no thanks. i'm thinking of someone in particular i'd like to vomit on.
big smelly chunks actually.

Jill said...

And who is that?

L.P. said...

i can't tell. it's a secret.

Jill said...

Since when do you have some secret, Lakota?

Anonymous said...

Jill, there's secrets, then there's secrets.

Ain't that right Lakota?

Anonymous said...

Crap, my server is acting up.

You never did tell me about your playtoy Jill.

Jill said...

i thought you two didn't had secrets between you!

Jill said...

I don't plan on doing it!!

Anonymous said...

Lakota and I don't.

Are you being deliberately dense Jill, or do you just not want to tell me?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I see you answered me.

Not going to tell.


Anonymous said...

Some two headed freak is your playtoy?

Uh, you can have him.

Jill said...

A new word for stupid!! Dense for me, before, would have been big!!

Jill said...

Who is the two headed freak?

Anonymous said...

Does this ring a bell?

Jill said...

I told in the respond, snowman are too cold for me!

Anonymous said...

Uh huh.
You said you missed your playtoy too.

Jill said...

I don't remember saying that!

Anonymous said...

"Jill said:
He is too cold, Rhet! I might just be too hot for him to handle!!
And where the hell have you been?? Missing my playtoy!"

Oh don't worry Jill. I'm not interested. Doesn't look like he's around enough to play with.

Jill said...

And you go visiting my blog, without commenting?? I'm not impress!!

Anonymous said...

I just did it right now Jill.
You did pose an interesting situation for me, but the solution was too easy.

Now I need to go blow something up.

Jill said...

I have to go see, I didn't saw the you got mail icon!

Jill said...

Are you lost at my place? Is it all the french?

Anonymous said...

Not lost. Getting ready for a date. I'll be heading out in about half an hour.

Jill said...

Poor date!! I should warn the person!!

Anonymous said...

You could try.

I've been out with him before though, so he probably won't listen.

Jill said...

Is he masochist??

Jill said...

Lakota is doing her nails?? That is why she is not here???

Jill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I guess. Either that, or she's still throwing up.

And my date? No masochist.
And believe me, he knows just how I like it.

Gotta run now Jill. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

(Like there's anything I wouldn't do.)

Jill said...

Good date! Don't try to scare him!! He accept a second date with you... Take advantage of him!

Iron Pugilist said...

Whooo... that is very hot. Dragonslaying women are very hot.

Anonymous said...

IP, see you found your way over from LP's place.

Yes, I'm every Ken Doll's wet dream.

Iron Pugilist said...

Yup. Couldn't resist. You guys are too funny. That, and because of that flash in the boxing ring.

Anonymous said...

Barbie Boobs, the new secret weapon. I'll have to inform my military least the ones that haven't seen my boobs yet.