Honestly, I think the pinheads didn't fucking know the information to begin with.
I started out across the island, figuring I'd run into people sooner or later, and could then use my wiles to figure out who this mysterious Mr. Smith was.

"What'd ya say he looked like?"
"I didn't."
The groundsman scruched his face in concentration. "There's a Taco Bell about half a mile from here."
After several minutes of this, I managed to find out that a man had recently rented a villa a short ways down the path. The only new resident to the island in the last three weeks.
I'm surprised you didn't decide to play dominoes with those statues that are lined up so perfectly...
Ah, but I might need them later. :)
I'd leave a comment but I'm not sure how far I want to get sucked in if you know what I mean.
OMG Dick, I can't believe you'd hesitate at a chance to get sucked all the way in. ;-)
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