
Interrogation Fun - Part 2

Dr. J worked quickly, and I learned a new appreciation for the depths of his evilness.

Following his instructions, the interrogation began.

After an hour of whacking away at the tender parts of the bim-barbie, I really found my rhythm...

Then I got "The Little Drummer Boy" stuck in my head in an endless loop that threatened to drive me insane.


Jill said...

I thought you were already mad!!

Anonymous said...

Mad about me, you mean.

Jill said...

Insanity! And the mad about you part can be very much related to the insanity!
And the sex!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jill. I delight in driving women insane...with lust.

Jill said...

Well, isn't that like all the heterosexual men dream of?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Jill, I should give you a taste. And no, I don't need to dream...

Jill said...

But Dr.J, is it worth it because I would probably get kill by Batbitch after?

Anonymous said...

Damn straight you would.

Jill said...

Where is Dr. J???

Anonymous said...

Why you want to know?