"Do you think it's safe to leave my vehicle like that?" I heard Indy's father say behind me.
"Just as safe as would be if you were with it." I also heard the impatience in Indy's voice.

"What the fuck is your father supposed to be anyway, a boy scout?"
Indy grimaced at me before turning to take in the rest of the room.
"Did you bring a map son?"
He glared at his father as he removed a small, thick book held closed with rubberbands. "Something better. What about you?"
"Well...I...I left it in the vehicle."

I have no idea what his father said to that as Indy dug his fingers into the soft flesh of my ass and captured me with his kiss.
Three posts and you just getting into it! You are making him wait!!
Your point? Or were you unaware of the fact that anticipation can be quite pleasurable in itself?
The old man seems like a party pooper.
He does, doesn't he? Guess I'll have to find out what he's like when he's liquored up a bit.
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