I've seen some viscious rumors blazing their way around the blogosphere. Now I love me a good viscious rumor, just like the next person. But there's one that I've just got to wonder about.
See here's the thing. For some fucked up reason ya'll think I'm dissing this bitch:

Why? Cause I took pictures of her getting steamrollered? Cause I fucking snarked about her? Cause I set her head on fire?
What the fuck is wrong with you people? She's my god damned hero. Nothing says ya love someone like trying to chop their head off!
wow, i'm impressed. you get enough visitors to have a rumor mill?
Just stopping by to give you a good morning hug. Wombie and I are heading to the Rez for a visit - you want me to bring you anything back? Scalps?
Scalps are good. Do they have any shrunken heads? Fresh ones?
no you dumb cunt - that's the aboriginals of africa. sheesh.
Daft cunt, if you don't mind.
Sorry to dissapoint you, but I can show you heads I picked up from your rez last March.
Oops. Maybe I wasn't supposed to say anything.
how many times have i told you NOT to take the great white hunters onto the Rez for big game hunts?
Sheesh. They weren't that big a game. That's why I don't hunt there more often.
I'm down here Jill. They aren't looking in the old posts.
Wanna bet?
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