Current cast includes:
Lakota Princess as the Native American Barbie rebelling against the system.
Wombaticus Maximus starring in a duel role as LP's furry lover and Rambo avenger.
Batbitch as LP's BFF (best friend forever) and warden of the Barbie Death Camps. She's a double-agent working with the evil Dr. (TBD)
Agent Mulder as Agent Mulder
GlamGoat as Mistress of the Barbie Deprogramming school and Amazon guard at the Death Camps.
Clint RJ as comic relief
J.B. Jovi Gypsy in cameo appearances
The evil Villian - Dr. (TBD) whose nefarious plotting lands our heroine in these misadventures.
Blonde Barbie #1-100 - a very critical roll that will require a great deal of talent, thick skin but no brains.
The Prison Guard - who strip searches and interrogates Lakota Princess
The Prison Bitches - self explanatory we think
The Kidnapper - the dark hero/villain who ... we can't tell you this role, it's a surprise.
The FBI Agent - minor role but very critical to the intellectual validity of the script. (We also have some swamp land in Florida for anyone believing that statement...)
Send Pictures to:
Please be advised, you will be used, abused and tossed aside without a second thought when the director has no further use for you. Interested actors are to send a high resolution image of themselves in various poses (nude is good) to lakotaprincess@gmail.com or batgirlalert@gmail.com and state why they feel they are qualified for the roll. The director may decide to use you and give you a complete makeover if your photo sucks. No humans need apply. Dolls, comics and action figures only. Yes, it is discrimination. Fuck off.
(Note: Dr. J, this is a personal invitation for you to participate. Then again, should you refuse, we’ll just use you anyway. ;-)
Oh, and feel free to send me any pictures you want.
Or I want.
Hey…no choking…cough…gak…urg.
Would the guy that sent the pics anon. please send me some of your other side?
Dr.J?? Who should that be??
Just a new guy I met. Don't think you know him.
oh! can i be the villian? can i? can i?
i'll be the evil Snake Goddess from Knossos!! okay, so she wasn't really evil - but i can pretend she was! i even have a knossos barbie! come on you guys - isn't that a great idea?
Hey Goddess, I'll ask the princess what she thinks.
A knossos barbie, really.
Now, how about a kiss?
uh. thanks anyway. no offense.
*laughing hysterically!!!*
Uber Goddess wants to be a baddy.
Oh! I think i pulled something laughing!
Now THAT's funny as all shite.
Sure honey - not the major villian role, but we'll work you in. Because you're so bad and all.
*STILL laughing hysterically!!!*
You look like a queer in the avatar.
Oh, and I am sooooooo not going to watch my language in front of the Goddess. She doesn't like it, she can just fuck off.
I look queer? Thank you - i'll take that as a compliment. All my gay friends have IMPECCABLE taste, you fuckin cunt.
All my gay friends what to kill all your gay friends.
all my gay friends think your spelling is atrocious.
What in the fuck is that supposed to mean? Like I give two shites about my spelling.
you're really blonde under that red aren't you?
Oh bite me ya annoying cunt.
you do remember how much i like to bite, don't you?
Yes, I do. :D
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