I was making up a list of people to interrogate when the door chimed. A messenger stood on the stoop, with a plain, brown envelope in his hand. I snatched it out of his grip and slammed the door in his face before I got ideas. I ripped open the envelope, and couldn't believe my eyes. It was from him. The evil Dr. Jones. I don't know if someone had called him in to help with the search, or if he was forcing himself into the situation. Either way, I couldn't stop the rush of moisture that pooled between my legs at the thought of seeing him again.
Just like I couldn't help thinking back, to the first time we met.

Nothing much, really. Just a few small explosives around the ancient structure. I figured a quick in and out and I'd be handsomely rewarded. Just my kind of job.

When I looked up, there he was in all his manliness. I'd never seen a more virile male in my life. I was picturing him naked when he shattered the daydream by getting in my shit for what I was doing.
I told him to run along, it was none of his business, but he persisted. Then he told me he was taking me in to the authorities.
He took a step towards me, and I ran...
what happens next?
Poor BB with the Evil Dr. Jones chasing her. Whatever will the poor barbie do?
Run like hell for now. Until I can get the next installment finished.
you bettah run fast girl, him one wicked ass SOB. make you hurt real good.
kewl- writing with an accent...
You need you one of those goatees, to go with that there accent.
whatcha mean?!? that was my fuckin voodoo queen accent.
Ooops. Guess it needs a little work.
You can run in those boots? I thought they were made for a sexy strut, not running away?
she looks really cute Indy - flailing her arms about as she does a superfast teeter run.
Why do you think I got CAUGHT?
Well I guess we are going to find out in part 3.
Hey Indy, you saying I looked funny running in these boots?
Nope I liked the way you sashayed up that tree and straight into my whip ;-)
At the time, I wasn't exactly thrilled about that.
Okay, so I'm lying. But I can say I wasn't.
I guess I'll have to read the whole thing!!
Yes you will Jill.
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