There ya go Lakota. Thank God his ass is bigger than mine. (Or rather...yours, cause I know you swapped that damn big ass you accidentally got hold of, with me).
Okay, everyone that's been to Stratford on Avon in UK raise their hands. I stayed in some pub three nights over there that was called Hair of the .... something. I think it was wild bore or some such crap. Really bad room that cost me like 70 pounds a night.
Hmmm... hardcore wookiee sction. Hawt. Nice ass, by the way.
It's enormous!
It's all Lakota's fault, I'm sure.
No grenades for her for a week!
if Wombat vanished on me, can I borrow him? Looks yum. Is realy as big as I've heard?
Sure ya can.
And OH YEAH. He's definitely proportionate.
The Iron Pugilist obviously got his gloves back from last night. He appears to be typing with them.
you are so my BFF.
Hey Glam. I am sooooooo not doing that again. I had to go to the body shop this morning and swap out torso's.
Hey Lakota,
that's the way I like it.
That Iron guy doesn't know what he getting himself in...
You're right Jill, why don't you run on over to his blog and warn him.
was IP talking about your ass or the wookie's? I thought he meant the wookie's. Tell Chewy to bend over so i can check it out.
There ya go Lakota.
Thank God his ass is bigger than mine. (Or rather...yours, cause I know you swapped that damn big ass you accidentally got hold of, with me).
never fall into a drunk stupor around me - you know this.
That's true.
Then again, I had a lot of fun switching your butt and your boobs the last time you passed out around me.
Batbitch, it is not fun if he doesn't learn it by himself!!
Who the hell delete his/her message??
That fucking Lisa Andel.
You know her?
Its a fucking ass transplant. Thatz gotta be Jenna Jamison's ass. I'd know it anywhere.
Here ya go RJ, you can give it back to her.
Well, looks who is there, but not responding to comment, or posting for the Poetry Train!!
Lisa?? Since when did she get shy!!
I don't really know her. Outside of the naked men, I don't find much of interest over at her place.
Why would she be posting here?
I don't know!
RJ are you already gone?
Damn. That was unladylike.
Like I care.
Here she is, you are hidding a lot, Lakota, this week!!
Just don't wet yourself.
Water sports? Kinky!!!!! I had no idea JillyGirly.
Okay, everyone that's been to Stratford on Avon in UK raise their hands. I stayed in some pub three nights over there that was called Hair of the .... something. I think it was wild bore or some such crap. Really bad room that cost me like 70 pounds a night.
Is there a point to that ... drivel?
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