Whenever we're not showing the love for each other by trying to kill each other off, we'll head out, looking for someone else to kill.
Or something to blow up.
Here's the mighty cuntress herself and me on a fun-filled afternoon of golfing at County Cavan.

You'd be surpirsed what a little plastique inside a golf ball can do.
And no, she's not dead, she always looks like that.
Running away SCREAMING!!!!
What? We're blowing up the holes. You can't possibly have a problem with that.
You should see the arm on SLTF man, she can really peg those holes.
Do I get your armory when she wakes up and rips your head off? Oh wait, you can always get another one.
Hehehe, I found another old school picture...
You might be needing a new head too.
Golf?? Is this suppose to be an interesting post??
Perhaps you've missed the joke, Jill.
I can always use a facial.
I was thinking of swapping away from this orange hair.
Still no fun at blowing up golf course hole!!
I take it you've never done this kind of thing before Jill?
I keep away of golf course!! Too much snob for me there!!
All the more reason.
Besides, explosions make me come.
By the way, how was your date??
Jill, I'd tell you, but it just might kill you.
If it is quick, I don't give a shit about you killing me!!
Oh, sorry, I was just shoving a midget into the oven.
Last night's date? Sure, I don't mind your becoming an accessory after the fact.
Anyway, Edge picked me up...
What's that noise? Oh fuck. The midget's lose again.
I'll be back as soon as I get him taken care of.
Did you forget about the druging the part first?? Unless you want the work-out!
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