
Bad Hair Day

I don't even know what we're fighting about this time. God it feels good though. Better than pilates, that's for damned sure.

Hey, I've got some grenades in my saddlebags, I'll just give one of those to the bitch. She can't resist grenades...


Jill said...

So don't forget to included the wash up scene after, the guys will probably like it!

Anonymous said...

And here I was going to have one of the guys lick us clean...

I'll think about it though.

Jill said...

It would be healtier for the guy to lick you clean if it was a chocoalte or Jell-O wrestlin you were doing!

Anonymous said...

Maybe, but most of the guys around here aren't human. So the rules are a bit different Jill.

L.P. said...

that dress makes my ass look big.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it does.
Or maybe it's that oversized ass you accidentally picked up before the last orgy.

Jill said...

It would still be more yummier!

Anonymous said...

I'll talk to the princess, but I doubt either one of us is going to keep a vat of pudding around for settling arguments.

We tend to fight a lot.

And make up a lot too.

Jill said...

Don't you have slave that would do that for you? And it doesn't take that much pudding for dolls to wrestled in it!

Anonymous said...

How should I put this. I chased the cunt down, dragged her off her bike, and went at it with her.

We don't say "Oh hey, let's get into the pudding and settle this."

Jill said...

At least, there is no brusing through that plastic, and it does clean up easy!

Anonymous said...

This would be a lot more fun if some of the men got involved.

Jill said...

Show off your ass, and men will come!! Or buy yourself some plastic men friends!!

Anonymous said...

Jill, you do know that there are several people already here, don't you?

And I'll lay odds they're all men.
Just wish they'd come out and play.

Jill said...

And since when are you too shy to ask??

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with being shy Jill.

L.P. said...

Batty darling - you can play with the plastic boys, i still need real men to keep me fired up.
Okay, real men, wombats and assorted other warm blooded creatures.

L.P. said...

And Jill, Batty is shy. she's just too shy to admit the truth. ha!

Anonymous said...

Princess, what makes you think I don't need real men too?

In fact, I can pretty much assure you that interactions with real men are a lot more...stimulating than the ones with the plastic ones.

Guess what bitch. First you're trying to lay claim on all the men, now you're calling me shy?

You're going to look sooooooo good shoving a vacuum around.

L.P. said...

fun with vacuums... they have their uses, just not in cleaning houses. ick.

by the way, i heard a rumor that this year's christmas colors are supposed to be lavender and chartreuse. It's the new black... red... whatever. All the coolest people are decorating in those colors.

Anonymous said...

I saw a show about that on TV. They showed Keira Knightley's place!

There was some puce used too. And it was fucking awesome!

L.P. said...

do you think santa and mrs. claus ever have sex or are they like ward and june cleaver? and if they do have sex do they use candycane striped condoms? they must because where are all the baby santas?

Anonymous said...

Santa's like a billion years old. All his sperm are past their expiration date.

I'd do Santa. Wouldn't you?

L.P. said...

fuck, no.
have someone ho-ho-hoing while they thrust into me. i think not.

Anonymous said...

I bet he doesn't.

Just think of all the experience he'd have too. All those years of experience.