
Hurts Soooo Good

Since Lakota is tied up with her fuzzy fuck-a-rama, I decided to get me a little hard loving myself.

Ain't Spike to fucking die for?


Rhian said...

LOL! damn - that's sorta hot.

Anonymous said...

Goddess! Don't see you here very often.

Jill said...

I'll have to agree with Rhian! That is a great picture!!

Anonymous said...

Jill, who do you want more? Me or Spike?

Jill said...

I'm gonna broke your heart, but Spike!
Hummm! That make me think of another Spike!! Give me a couple of minutes, and come see my blog...

Anonymous said...

Can I bring my landmines?

L.P. said...

BABY! look at that ass! droooool.
come to mama....
just don't tell the w-bat.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, if the w-bat doesn't understand how we...share, then he ain't gonna make it long with you.

L.P. said...

hmmm - this is true. but let's not tell him yet. i love the pending surprise part of relationships.
"Oh Wombie - that was sooooo good. Can we invite Batbitch next time? What? I didn't tell you i was bi? Well, there you go. Aren't you the luckiest furball?"

Anonymous said...

We haven't done that in to long babe. I'm thinking it might be time for an orgy.

L.P. said...

Why, you read my mind.

Glam said...

What's a womb bat?

Anonymous said...

I'd say dildo, but the Princess has herself a nice fat fuzzy critter to play with.

She's got a pic on her blog.

Eric said...

Wheres the naked pictures? I do not know about you, but I am here for the sex and naked pictures.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! We've got a winner!
Damn that Lakota stepped out for a moment.

So DRB, what would you like to do?

L.P. said...

hmmmm - let me guess what you two are doing.

Anonymous said...

Not yet.

Eric said...

I can mention a few things.

Lakota, would you like to join in?

Jill said...

I finally found a naked picture of him...Don't thing it is a real one, but does look real!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jill, meet DRB. Lakota and I are going to fuck him, you in?

L.P. said...

Blowboy, normally i would love to, but i'm in a deep and shallow relationship with a furry right now. But please say i can watch?

Jill said...

No, but I will take a rain check on a bubble bath!!!
He actually have a interesting blog...

Anonymous said...

I'll have to check it out then Jill. I didn't stick around long after I planted the explosives.

Jill said...

You'll have to stop woth your pyromania!

Anonymous said...

I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

I know, you're still upset that I set Scorpios head on fire!

Jill said...

No...She is too mean to even answer my comments!!

Anonymous said...

Well then, I don't understand the problem. Seems like my love of fire did us both some good.

Jill said...

I do care of my blog, I don't want to find dynamite there!!

Anonymous said...


Uh, no, no dynamite there.