

I've just received notification from the Spam Alert Siren that there's a spam attack crossing the blogs.

I've changed into my spam fighting gear, and have gathered my heavy artillary.

Just let them try and take me!
Wait a minute, I might like that...


L.P. said...

oh baby - you look HOT! I have a drawer full of another kind of heavy artillery for you.

Oh and did you see my date earlier?
And yes, I fuck on the first date. I mean, just LOOK at him. I might even see him again. Nahhhhhh.
Men. They get so clingy.

L.P. said...

ooooh - pretty header.

Anonymous said...

Well fuck me. That is one hot dude you have jammed in your barbie bed.

And look at you! I'm definitely looking forward to checking out your heavy artillery.

Now where did I put my bomb...

Anonymous said...

Thanks honey. Glam visited while you were busy, and I thought I'd like to spruce up the place a little after that.

I've got the ammo piled over there, next to the gun cabinet. Doesn't it make the place look cozy?

L.P. said...

It's my home away from home.
Where did you hide the grenades. I promise not to play with them this time. I swear. Just... where are they?

Anonymous said...

You blow up my place, I'll blow up yours, deal?

L.P. said...

Umm - no.

i just finished redecorating. i even hung that narcissistic photo you sent me.

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh, I have to come over and see which one!

L.P. said...

you with your Hog, no not porky boy. oh wait - maybe I haven't posted it yet. I'll email it to you.

Anonymous said...

Fuck me, but I can't wait to see this. HURRY UP BITCH!!!

Which fat boy? There have been so many...

L.P. said...

the one in purple, duh.

Anonymous said...

Well of course it couldn't be him, I've got him simmering in that big pot in the kitchen.

Would you care for some soup?

L.P. said...

you're such a sick fuck. Fat boy is bad for my cholesterol.

Anonymous said...

Like we have to worry about shit like that! How many times do I have to tell you...EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT. It ain't sticking to these plastic hips.