ummm - watch where you're pointing that pointy thing, bitch. i don't need to shave THERE! yet.
Hey, that sounds like a great idea. I can try it out on Jill first.
you so stoopid. she's a GenXer - they're all born bare down there. doncha know ANYTHING?okay - so some of 'em are also born pierced.
It's the heavy metals in the water.
i knew that. water. white man's poison. or something.
Poison! I haven't used that in ages. Hey, thanks for reminding me.
i have this handy dandy book passed down from Lucrita Borgia - i'll check the spelling of that tomorrow i promise (yeah, right) to my many times over great Nanna.It beat the hell out of beads.
I'll have to borrow that sometime.You can take a look at my "Your gun and you".
book swap! yay!
You are soooooo easy.
You girls talking in my back, again?
Hey Jill. Not really, since you can read what we say here and we know that.What's your preferred method for body disposal?
Name for your blade: Chancre ShankerLance ArmstrongTooth PickSteel MagnoliaMy OTHER Speculum
Damn it Glam, I'm really liking those suggestions. I'll have to think on it.Still laughing over "My OTHER Speculum".
I let other people deal with that part!
Ah...slaves. Always handy to have around. And tasty too.
Not slaves, Batbitch, they'll get mad... Devoted people to me!!
Hey Jill, we're up in the first post. Join us there.
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ummm - watch where you're pointing that pointy thing, bitch. i don't need to shave THERE! yet.
Hey, that sounds like a great idea. I can try it out on Jill first.
you so stoopid. she's a GenXer - they're all born bare down there. doncha know ANYTHING?
okay - so some of 'em are also born pierced.
It's the heavy metals in the water.
i knew that. water. white man's poison. or something.
Poison! I haven't used that in ages. Hey, thanks for reminding me.
i have this handy dandy book passed down from Lucrita Borgia - i'll check the spelling of that tomorrow i promise (yeah, right)
to my many times over great Nanna.
It beat the hell out of beads.
I'll have to borrow that sometime.
You can take a look at my "Your gun and you".
book swap! yay!
You are soooooo easy.
You girls talking in my back, again?
Hey Jill. Not really, since you can read what we say here and we know that.
What's your preferred method for body disposal?
Name for your blade:
Chancre Shanker
Lance Armstrong
Tooth Pick
Steel Magnolia
My OTHER Speculum
Damn it Glam, I'm really liking those suggestions. I'll have to think on it.
Still laughing over "My OTHER Speculum".
I let other people deal with that part!
Ah...slaves. Always handy to have around. And tasty too.
Not slaves, Batbitch, they'll get mad... Devoted people to me!!
Hey Jill, we're up in the first post. Join us there.
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