Quite a weekend for you, huh!
Just needed to blow off some steam...
I can't wait. I plan to sleep almost the entire weekend next week!
Sleep. Uh huh.I'm so not into sleeping here...
Not sleeping? You need some physical exertion to tire you out. Any ideas?
Only about a hundred. Think you can keep up? ;-)
I dunno if YOU can keep up. Consider that a challenge. ;)
I do so love a good challenge. :-)
I knew you'd say that.
There's a subtext here but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Nope. Uh uh. Don't think so, dh. No subtext here. Really. Would I do that?
What would we obfuscate? How?
You've got me...
How do you manage to surf in pumps?
I'm bionic Ist. I can do anything. :-)
I came here looking for surfing tips. Very disappointing.
Seeker, then you won't mind my telling you to fuck off.
You haven't heard the last of this. I will be contacting the Department of Fraudulent Websites.
Seeker, now you can see why I don't mess with the BB.
Sure honey, it's right over there next door to the Political Correctness Police department...
Bax, such a sweet thing to say.
I misread his name as "seekerofsurfingtits". If it was, he wouldn't report you for fraud.
I'm surprised he's able to do anything after visiting the batcave, Ist. Those are the kind of people whose heads usually explode.Ownerofsaidtits thanks you, btw. ;-)
I see you're surfing back-hand? You like it that way when it's big, huh?
I like it that way all the time.;-)
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Quite a weekend for you, huh!
Just needed to blow off some steam...
I can't wait. I plan to sleep almost the entire weekend next week!
Sleep. Uh huh.
I'm so not into sleeping here...
Not sleeping? You need some physical exertion to tire you out. Any ideas?
Only about a hundred. Think you can keep up? ;-)
I dunno if YOU can keep up. Consider that a challenge. ;)
I do so love a good challenge. :-)
I knew you'd say that.
There's a subtext here but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Nope. Uh uh. Don't think so, dh. No subtext here. Really. Would I do that?
What would we obfuscate? How?
You've got me...
How do you manage to surf in pumps?
I'm bionic Ist. I can do anything. :-)
I came here looking for surfing tips. Very disappointing.
Seeker, then you won't mind my telling you to fuck off.
You haven't heard the last of this. I will be contacting the Department of Fraudulent Websites.
Seeker, now you can see why I don't mess with the BB.
Sure honey, it's right over there next door to the Political Correctness Police department...
Bax, such a sweet thing to say.
I misread his name as "seekerofsurfingtits". If it was, he wouldn't report you for fraud.
I'm surprised he's able to do anything after visiting the batcave, Ist. Those are the kind of people whose heads usually explode.
Ownerofsaidtits thanks you, btw.
I see you're surfing back-hand? You like it that way when it's big, huh?
I like it that way all the time.
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