
For Istvanski...

Didn't want you to hurt yourself. ;-)


Istvanski said...

Is this the first time you've gone "unmasked" (and you've gone brunette)?
A ZZ Top guitar and legs - doesn't get much better than that.
I'm truly greatful for the treat, BB.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is the first time I've been both unmasked and brunette.

You might say, I've lost my head.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

A brunette on BB? What's this about?

Anonymous said...

I'm incognito Bax. Sheesh.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Fine with me. I like brunettes too.

And blondes.

Fuck it. Female is good enough.

Anonymous said...

Um Bax ... does that female need to be human at least?

Bobby "the Blue" said...

How human do you mean? Are we excluding vampyres and lycnathropes?

Anonymous said...

Okay, those at least take human form.

Just so long as it isn't gerbils...

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Then by your guideline, yes, human. LOL

Anonymous said...

Rather like me then, huh?
Though I've been know to fuck a wookie or two...

ozymandiaz said...

please say you will hurt me...

Anonymous said...

I'll hurt you sooooooo good, Oz. ;-)