LOLThat's awesome. But I always though the Teletubbies were minions of the evil one. Shows how much I know.
See, now you know why there's so much controversy over Tinky Winky.
UmmmmYou were waiting on the Tink?This, I believe, should be intersting.
Welcome to my mind, Oz.
Glad to see you havnt become anywhere near normal in my absence LOL, and I see the delicious oxxy has been here...
Enigma's back! G'morning!
ENIGMA!!!!Where the hell have you been? I took your absence personally, you know!
Well, BB, I woulve been horribly offended if you didnt take it personally haha
PS that was suposed to be Ozzy, not Oxxy, but I think i like Oxxy better.
Yeah, I figured you were talking about Oz. ...and Oxxy looks cool in type.
Sort of like an Oxxy torch.
That's what I thought of too. :-)
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That's awesome.
But I always though the Teletubbies were minions of the evil one. Shows how much I know.
See, now you know why there's so much controversy over Tinky Winky.
You were waiting on the Tink?
This, I believe, should be intersting.
Welcome to my mind, Oz.
Glad to see you havnt become anywhere near normal in my absence LOL, and I see the delicious oxxy has been here...
Enigma's back! G'morning!
Where the hell have you been? I took your absence personally, you know!
Well, BB, I woulve been horribly offended if you didnt take it personally haha
PS that was suposed to be Ozzy, not Oxxy, but I think i like Oxxy better.
Yeah, I figured you were talking about Oz.
...and Oxxy looks cool in type.
Sort of like an Oxxy torch.
That's what I thought of too. :-)
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