
Devil's Task - 26

"Do I really have to be naked? You're not naked."

"Babes, it's The Hoff. Remember, he's got all that chest hair."

Like that made any sense to me?

"Stay away from me you purple freak!"

"What's wrong with the prince?"

"Oh, it's just what Tinky Winky is."


"No, he's an antidevil."


Bobby "the Blue" said...


That's awesome.

But I always though the Teletubbies were minions of the evil one. Shows how much I know.

Anonymous said...

See, now you know why there's so much controversy over Tinky Winky.

ozymandiaz said...

You were waiting on the Tink?
This, I believe, should be intersting.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to my mind, Oz.

Enigma said...

Glad to see you havnt become anywhere near normal in my absence LOL, and I see the delicious oxxy has been here...

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Enigma's back! G'morning!

Anonymous said...

Where the hell have you been? I took your absence personally, you know!

Enigma said...

Well, BB, I woulve been horribly offended if you didnt take it personally haha

Enigma said...

PS that was suposed to be Ozzy, not Oxxy, but I think i like Oxxy better.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I figured you were talking about Oz.

...and Oxxy looks cool in type.

Enigma said...

Sort of like an Oxxy torch.

Anonymous said...

That's what I thought of too. :-)