
Still on Vacation

Just taking off for another adventure.

I won't be gone for long though, I'm starting to miss you guys. ;-)


Time Off for Good Behavior...

It's likely I won't be around for a few days men, so I thought I'd upload these now for your viewing pleasure.

Do promise to miss me.

Devil's Task - 26

"Do I really have to be naked? You're not naked."

"Babes, it's The Hoff. Remember, he's got all that chest hair."

Like that made any sense to me?

"Stay away from me you purple freak!"

"What's wrong with the prince?"

"Oh, it's just what Tinky Winky is."


"No, he's an antidevil."

Devil's Task - 25

"You trust this Regomar guy?"

I rolled my eyes at Indy, "Not quite as much as I trust you."

He squinted at me, but didn't say anything.

"Batts, you ready to do this, or what?"

I glanced over my shoulder at the prince. "Just waiting for one more person to show up, Prince. Then I'll be ready."


Blast from the Past...

"Hey Babes, been keeping busy I see."

"So what brings you around, Dr. Jones?"

"Heard you were fighting the devil. Thought it might make for a good show."

I felt the side of my mouth curve in a wicked grin. "It just might."

Ah ha!

And here I thought Istvanski didn't have any fun at work...


Knots, or Knots?

How fast can you tie me up?

Let the Games Begin...


Devil's Task - 24

"I told you we should have taken the blue pill."



Dick, you want me to what?


For Istvanski...

Didn't want you to hurt yourself. ;-)



up several new guitars...

Who wants to play?


Surf's Up!

Come on in, the water's fine!


Tally Ho...

Thanks for the beer guys.

Devil's Task - 23

"He's this way!"

I ran down the hall after the Prince, guns raised. I didn't need Regomar to tell me that The Hoff was either the devil himself, or an extension of the evil bastard.

I'd never gone up against a devil before. Hell, I was related to more than a few of them, and rather liked their wicked ways. But there was something about Regomar, something I didn't want changed. Something I wasn't going to let get changed.

Fuch yeah! I was hunting the devil...


Devil's Task - 22

Damn, but the Hoff blowed up real good...

"Prince, that was one hell of an explosion." I rubbed myself against the side of his body, feeling the aftershocks of the stupendous orgasm I'd just had.

"Bats, you think that was a good one, wait until--What the fuck?"

That's when it finally occurred to me that the devil was playing with us.

Big time...



For you...


Devil's Task - 21

"This is not working, Regomar!"

"No shit. I say we blow him up."

"Ooooh, I do so love blowing things up."

Little did I know...


Need I say more?


Feeling Lucky, Punk?

Go ahead, make my day...


Death Came a Knockin'

Tunnel of Love?

Damn that purple prose...


Party Revisited

Why don't I remember doing this???

Let's Party!!!

The party never ends, when you guys are around.



It is Friday, after all.


Can be a very good thing...

Devil's Task - 20

"Damn it, he's not dead!" I glared at the Hasselhoff.

"Does he look ... smaller to you though?"

"Who cares. Kill the thing, and this time make sure it's dead."

Regomar swung his blades in a blur of motion that reduced the Hasselhoff to chunks no bigger than a ham. "That should do it."


Fire & Ice

Just gets so damn hot in here sometimes that I've got to cool off...


Just Hanging Around...

How's your Wednesday?

Devil's Task - 19

"Regomar, it's me!!!"

"I'm after that abomination behind you!"

"Oh holy crap, who, or what is he supposed to be?"

"Fuck if I know, but he feels evil."

"Kill it, before it spreads..."

"But I have such manly chest hair--"

Regomar ran the thing through with his sword, then speared him in the heart as he lay on his back. "That should do it."

I gazed down at the corpse and had a sudden urge to recite the benidiction. "Fu--, fu--, oh hell, I can't even say the "F" word! Do something!!!"

Regomar turned a wicked smile on me. "I can not only say fuck, but I can do it..."

He took a step towards me, leering at my robe...


Devil's Task - 18

"Come on Regomar, what are you waiting for?"

The prince glanced off to the side and I barely heard him mumble, "I've got a bad feeling about this..."