
Having a Wonderful Time

Wish you were here. :D


expat@large said...

Ah, the tropics...

Anonymous said...

I've had my eye out for you E@L, but I suspect you're at a different beach. ;-)

ozymandiaz said...

Oh I'm there
I mean here
I mean
Oh hell, I can't think

Anonymous said...

Actually Oz, you have no idea how close I am to you right now. :)

Heff said...

Holy shit !!! I'm at "half mast" already !

Anonymous said...

Batten down the hatches, Heff, full steam ahead. ;-)

Bobby "the Blue" said...

That pic is a brain teaser.

There's a boat hidden in the pic. Somehow women and gay men can find it but straight men can't.

I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Fuck me, but I'm laughing too hard to come up with a response to that one Bax.

Heff said...

How'd you know there's a boat in the pic, Bax ? LMAO !

Bobby "the Blue" said...

BB: ;)

Heff: Someone told me, I still haven't found the boat either. LOL

chazza said...

B.B: Still envey her close shaven puss. .

Found an American adapter for that shaver I bought/rece'd and has been charging for over a week. Giving up hope now as a life in it what so ever. .

Have to rely on the good old fashion method for now. Have to make do with bristols for now. .x x

Anonymous said...

You should send it back, Chaz. Get a refund, or something.

chazza said...

BB. . Hirr hun.

Tried emailing them, no reply as yet. Came from America so there will be added costs to think about too.

Decided I may drop kick it over the garden fence. At least I will get pleasure seeing it shoot through the air with the greatest of ease my 'fanny-anne shaver' that disappointed m xx