

Totally getting into this vacation shit.


Heff said...

BatBitch, you've got nice floaties.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Heff. The investment was worth it then. ;-)

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Where did I put my underwater cam...

Anonymous said...

In your pocket? That looks like a telescoping lens to me...

Bobby "the Blue" said...

That's not it.
I'm just glad to see you!

ozymandiaz said...

Holly aquatic acrobatics Batgirl!
Just so you'll know
I can hold my breath for a

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I could use that kind of happiness right about now, Bax.

Anonymous said...

Oz, I really should have brought you along with me.

ozymandiaz said...

Yes, yes you should have. We could have pretended you were an athlete and I your athletic supporter
or you were the leader of a sex ring and I an "undercover" reporter
or that you were a cyclist and a bicycle seat
or perhaps you're a wolf and I your favorite meat
or you could lead the inquisition and I you need to convert
or you could have been a schoolgirl and I a dirty old pervert
OK the last one I really am
tee hee

Anonymous said...

Roleplaying. Something I'd say I'm fairly good at, Oz. ;-)

Heff said...

You ok, BatBitch ? You've been underwater for quite some time now....

Anonymous said...

Hey Heff. Thanks for asking, but I'm just fine. Spending my time enjoying these last few days of my vacation before it's back to the grind.

~big wet kisses~

Creepy said...

Yeah, I'm getting into it to. Can you say "muff dive?"