

The Bitch doing a little winter downtime.

Wouldn't want to freeze anything important off.

1 comment:

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Delish and erotik, but not for earth -IF- you're not married; however, I have the simple solution. That ain't nuthin compared to Heaven Above. Miss Gorgeous Girl, wanna nekk in the Great Beyond? Meet me o'thar, k? I looove sex and, Upstairs, we can have a plethora of love make'n for eternity. Not only with me, but with sextillions of 17-year-old-guys for eternity - must go to worship on Sundays, though HeeHee God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL --- Hey, girl, check-out our 'closenmyeyes' first for what I desire in the Great Beyond: love and warmth. Free to plagiarize, too!!! Can’t beat that.