I used the logic that had brought him to Awesome Grape Teddy Bears, applied it to the clues in front of me, and jotted down the beginning of the answer to the first clue; Micro Teddybears and a Grape.
What I got for the remaining clue was; Lloyds on a Pinhead. Since that is what the building in question turned out to be.
Taking another look at the scorpion's comments, I wrote down the remainder of the information he'd provided. Pin City.
After eliminating the duplicated words, I was left with only two.
Awesome City.
Not the answer to the riddle, no, but the next part of the puzzle to solve...
No comments yet? Sorry, I can't concentrate on the puzzle with the pics above and below it. Oh well.
Finally! There's hope for you yet. ;-)
BatBitch, your riddles are A BIATCH !
I am soooooo smart LOL
You actually read the riddles, Heff? I'll have to provide you with better pictures. ;-)
Scorpy, you do know it's really the size of a man's brain that attracts me, don't you?
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