
Happy Birthday E@L!!!

In honor of your birthday E@L? Heh.

Just saying...


Bobby "the Blue" said...

Happy Berfday, yo!

Heff said...

I think if Pelvis Restley could've actually PLAYED a guitar, he'd have shit himself. Wait....nevermind.

Anonymous said...

I can't add a thing to that comment, Heff.

expat@large said...

Hey thanks, Bitch! Wow, so impressed, people all around thew world know that I'm SSSOOOOOoooo old now, great ...

Laughed all through that clip, watching Elvis start the whole slap-bass thing... What a musical innovator!

Heff, so you're saying he was trying to suspend a 4th Turd-Major chord when he snuffed it? LOL!

cheers, loves ya babe!

Anonymous said...

Aged honey, like a fine wine, no?

chazza said...

Ahh you don't look it!! . . .Age... s m a g e...its what you have learnd along the way and pass on that is the fun of it A L L...nudge, nudge winky

Practice making perfect and all that...never leaving the dog sleepin' x