"Get him! I can't take any more."
"What is Tink doing?"
"Looks like he's dancing."
"I think that we should get together and try them on to see..."
"Isn't anyone going to attack him?" I looked around at the others, willing them to get on with things.
"Want me to whip the antidevil into a little action?"
I studied Tinky Winky for a minute and was just about to tell Indy to go ahead, when I noticed the odd light in the little fellows eyes. "We might want to take cover, instead."
Never underestimate the power of the teletubbies.
Good to have ya back, BB!
OOOOH, Is Tink going ti get all "Yoda in episode III"?
gotta be careful around these Napolianic types.
Got that right, Bax.
Glad to be back.
I hear ya, Oz. I worked for a Napolianic type once.
hehehe. Sorry, but Yoda in episode III made me laugh. :P
What did you do for the Napolianic type? Make giant pizzas all day?
I rearranged the office. Got everything up out of the way.
Oh, and cut two inches off of of the furniture so he'll look taller
If he's got a problem Oz, I'd rather put all the furniture up on blocks...
You know BB, i get endless amusement from all of this, the utter Dr Strangelove feel of it tickles me no end LOL
Ah yes. Well I learned to love the bomb a while ago. ;-)
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