
Just a Friendly Hello

Anyone have a taste for trouble?
Batty shugah, any of your playmates willing to let me vent my... frustrations.... out on them, you think?

I'm interviewing for a new whipping boy.
Interested applicants may line up and drop their drawers. :D


Anonymous said...

Think you'll find a few eager gents here.

Anonymous said...

You're lookin really hot, btw.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Hello Coyote Girl! You're off to a good start already!

Dick Headley said...

Ok but you're only getting a lick.

Bobby "the Blue" said...

So how can we help you, Miss Coyote?

Coyote Girl said...

i think my face is on crooked Batty. might be due to the computer virus on my laptop. :(

dh - only one? can i make it a long one?

Bax, i can think of countless ways you can help me. i just received a state-of-the-art penis measuring device as a door prize (sizeofaman.com) - can i play with my new toy?

Bobby "the Blue" said...

When you put it like that, how can a man resist?