
Blast from the Past...

"Hey Babes, been keeping busy I see."

"So what brings you around, Dr. Jones?"

"Heard you were fighting the devil. Thought it might make for a good show."

I felt the side of my mouth curve in a wicked grin. "It just might."


Bobby "the Blue" said...

Indy will be a great help at this point. I still think you should call on the services of Chuck Norris.

Anonymous said...

Honestly Bax, I was thinking of someone else...

Bobby "the Blue" said...

Tickle my ass with a feather? Okay. I'll stay tuned for the next part. I'm always fascinated by your twists and turns.

Indiana said...

My whip is freshly oiled ~grin~

Anonymous said...

A feather Bax? If you insist. :-)

Anonymous said...

Damn Indy, but you know how I love the stroke of a freshly oiled ... whip.